Home is a our clearinghouse, the place from which we go forth lessoned and disciplined, and ready for life. It is a place where we grow up wanting to leave and grow old wanting to get back to. "LOVE BEGINS AT HOME, AND IT IS NOT HOW MUCH WE DO... BUT HOW MUCH LOVE WE PUT IN THAT ACTION." - Mother Teresa

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Insomnia - Causes, Symptoms, Remedies and Preventions

Insomnia - Causes, Symptoms, Remedies and Preventions

What causes Insomnia? There are some known causes of insomnia, like chronic pain, restless legs syndrome, nocturnal disturbances, too much coffee, and the like. But, today, mental stress is one of the main culprits for this problem. Worries and tensions keep the mind engaged at night, keeping you wide awake.

If you're stressed only for a few times, you can cope with sleeplessness. But, if you're a chronic worrier, chances are you're an insomniac too.

Fewer hours of sleep and greater levels of sleep disturbance have become very common in present society. Competition levels at working places and high aspirations and ambitions has resulted in longer working hours. Sleep researchers say that we all sleep less then we used to - form average of 9 hours a night in the 1960s to around 7 hours now.

Disturbed sleep could be hazardous. Proper sleep enhance the quality of life and control co-morbid conditions like diabetes hypertension, ischemic heart diseases, strokes and sudden deaths. Snoring is another kind of sleep disturbance, which leads to day-time sleepiness, forgetfulness, fatigue and even sexual dysfunction.

Our internal body clocks (caricadian rhythms) are the patterns of repeated activity associated with the environment cycles of day and night. People who have trouble sleeping may have internal clock that has gone out of sync with day - night cycle.
The amount of sleeping hours varies depending on the individual. If you do not wake up feeling refreshed and feel sleepier then you are not getting enough sleep.

Insomnia Symptoms

Symptoms of insomnia can be different for each individual, and people with insomnia might experience a variety of symptoms. People who have insomnia do not start the day refreshed from a good night's sleep. They are tired. They may have difficulty falling asleep, and commonly lie in bed tossing and turning for hours. Or the individual may go to sleep without a problem but wakes in the early hours of the morning and is either unable to go back to sleep, or drifts into a restless unsatisfying sleep.

This is a common symptom in the elderly and in those suffering from depression. Sometimes sleep patterns are reversed and the individual has difficulty staying awake during the day and takes frequent naps. The sleep at night is fitful and frequently interrupted.

Insomnia Home remedies

Insomnia treatment using Thiamine

Of the various food elements, thiamine or vitamin B is of special significance in the treatment of insomnia. It is vital for strong, healthy nerves. A body starved of thiamine over a long period will be unable to relax and fall asleep naturally. Valuable sources of this vitamin are whole grain cereals, pulses, and nuts.

Insomnia treatment using Lettuce

Lettuce is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia as it contains a sleep-inducing substance, called 'lectucarium'. The juice of this plant has been likened in effect to the sedative action of opium without the accompanying excitement. Lettuce seeds taken in a decoction are also useful in insomnia. One tablespoon of seeds should be boiled in half a liter of water, till it is reduced by one-third.

Insomnia treatment using Milk

Milk is very valuable in insomnia. A glass of milk, sweetened with honey, should be taken every night before going to bed in treating this condition. It acts as a tonic and a tranquillizer. Massaging the milk over the soles of the feet has also been found effective.

Insomnia treatment using Curd

Curd is also useful in insomnia. The patient should take plenty of curd and massage it on the head. This will induce sleep.

Insomnia treatment using Bottle Gourd

The mixture of bottle gourd juice and sesame oil in 50:50 ratio acts as an effective medicine for insomnia. It should be massaged over the scalp every night. The cooked leaves of bottle gourd taken as a vegetable are also beneficial in the treatment of this disease.

Insomnia treatment using Aniseed

A tea made from aniseed is valuable in sleeplessness. This tea is prepared by boiling about 375 ml of water in a vessel and adding a teaspoon of aniseed. The water should be covered with a lid and allowed to simmer for fifteen minutes. It should then be strained and drunk hot or warm. The tea may be sweetened with honey, and hot milk may also be added to it. This tea should be taken after meals or before going to bed.

Insomnia treatment using Honey

Honey is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia. It has a hypnotic action and induces a sound sleep. It should be taken with water, before going to bed, in doses of two teaspoons in a large cup of water. Babies generally fall asleep after taking honey.

Insomnia treatment using Rauwolfia

The herb rauwolfia is a valuable medicine for insomnia because of its indisputable efficacy as a sedative. The hypnotic action of the drug appears to have been known since ancient times. The very first dose of rauwolfia will enable a patient with a phlegmatic and gouty nature to go to sleep. The powder of the root in a quantity of 0.25 gm to 0.5 gm should be mixed with some scented substance like cardamom and given to the patient The patient will have a sound sleep during the entire night. If the disease is chronic, the patient should take O.25 gm twice a day, in the morning as well as at night before retiring.

Sleep Count

• One must sleep for at least 6-8 hours
• Working professionals require more quality sleep as they have to remain alert and focused to optimize their performance. They should sleep for minimum 6-7 hours
• Software professionals require maximum sleep of 8 hours as they spend most hours in front of PC screen and this effects their eyes, which in turn leads to headache and other problems.
• Media professionals should have minimum 5 to 6 hours of sleep to have a healthy mind.
• Elderly people require maximum five hours of sound sleep

Insomnia Prevention

Expert Advice

Researchers say that those who are gaining weight, sleep more, and those who are shedding pounds sleep less. It has also been seen that people who lose weight rapidly often experi¬ence sleeplessness. But the most common cause of insomnia is mental tension, overexcitement, suppressed feeling of resentment, over-eating at night, excessive intake of foods, like starches, tea, coffee and going to bed hungry. And. of course, often worrying about falling asleep is enough to keep one awake.

Studies show that women are particularly prone to insomnia from calcium deficiency 10 to 14 days before their periods. This is the time when the calcium blood levels drop. If you used to a midnight snack and are now on a diet you would probably experience sleeplessness. The use by all means have a low-calorie snack before going to bed, preferably carbohydrate-based wheat or Bran biscuits, or 1 cup of warm skimmed milk. Many diets urge the dieter to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Those who are used to a lesser intake often feel the need to urinate at night thereby disturbing their sleep pattern.

I suggest you watch your diet if you feel you are not sleeping well as it forms an important part of the treatment.

If you have been on a very low calorie diet then it is possible that you are deficient in B complex Vitamin, calcium, magnesium, and zinc and the sleep mechanism is unable to function efficiently in the absence of these nutrients. These vitamins are found in whole grain cereals, nuts. Fruits are a rich source of potassium and could cause severe cramps in the legs, making it impossible to sleep. White flour (maida) is lacking in the B-vitamins and hence should be avoided on any diet To regain the lost vitamins and in effect normalise your sleep pattern, eat at least 6-8 fruits a day along with two cups of curd and approximately 50 gm of dryfruit for 3-4 days.

Along 'with this you could eat one salad based meal and another protein based consisting of fish/chicken or sprouts along with whole wheat bread 2-3 slices or 2 chappatis. A cup of hot milk at night also helps induce sleep as it contains tryplophan (an amino acid) which helps in increasing the serotomin levels in the brain. Serotomin is known to be a canning factor.

Try not to take any fluids within 2 hours before bedtime. The stimulating effects of caffeine are felt more.

On an empty stomach, extending to 2-4 hours after it is taken. Therefore those who have a trouble sleeping should not drink coffee within 4-6 hours of bedtime.

Then there are those who exercise at night. Usually exercise, is better for sleep than no exercise at all but it should be done in the morning or"' late afternoon. If done after dinner (like a brisk walk) then it might keep you awake at night as it pumps in enough adrenaline 'to keep you active and awake.

If you've had a rollicking time at a party and then you come home and dash into bed, in all probability you won't get sleep. Watch tele¬vision or try to read something. It will help you take your mind off the excitement and make you sleep, better.

Take some low calorie snacks like fruit or some millet biscuits or 1 cup skimmed milk if you can't sleep due to hunger. If you suffer from leg cramps take your calcium tablet at night before going to bed. Never take a" B Complex before bedtime as it keeps- you active.

Taking oily meals late in the night also leads to sleeplessness. Dinner should be consumed at least 2 hours before going to bed, in a relaxed atmosphere.


- Learn to use physical and mental relaxation techniques. Exercise regularly during the day. Especially do exercises before dinner. A low point in energy occurs a few hours after exercise; sleep will then come more easily. Exercising close to bedtime, however, may increase alertness. Take a hot bath about an hour and a half to two hours before bedtime. This alters the body's core temperature rhythm and helps people fall asleep more easily and more continuously. (Taking a bath shortly before bed increases alertness.) Do something relaxing in the half-hour before bedtime. Reading, meditation, and a leisurely walk are all appropriate activities.

- Eat light meals and schedule dinner four to five hours before bedtime. A light snack before bedtime can help sleep, but a large meal may have the opposite effect.

- Avoid fluids just before bedtime so that sleep is not disturbed by the need to urinate.

- Avoid caffeine, and other stimulants, especially late in the day. Eliminate smoking. It has a detrimental effect on the lungs, heart, sinuses, and circulation, and it also interferes significantly with sleep, as nicotine is a stimulant that prevents the brain from resting. Cutting back on cigarette smoking may lead to nicotine withdrawal in the middle of the night, which can awaken you, so it is important to stop smoking completely. Avoid alcohol. Even if it helps you fall asleep quicker, it actually worsens insomnia by causing shallow, un-refreshing sleep.

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