Keeping the family Safe
1. Make sure you and members of your family know the whereabouts of everyone for the day. Place a “whereabouts” board in the kitchen or family room where family members can post their schedules or destinations for the day.
2. Instruct all family members and household help not to entertain strangers at the gate or on the phone. Children should be especially trained not to converse with strangers on the phone. Transactions, if any, should be done outside the gate. This will prevent closer observation of your premises or the household layout.
3. Teach your family and household helps to verify the identity of phone callers before identifying themselves.
4. Never give out information on the whereabouts of family members to just anyone on the phone. Friends or relatives should be politely asked to call again so they can personally talk to the person they are looking for. Should the unknown caller insist on asking to speak to each and every family member, ask for his name and politely say the message will be relayed and that he should call back again. Call the police for assistance if you repeatedly receive anonymous phone calls.
5. Instruct family members and your house help that designated family member must be contacted in an emergency or if there are dubious characters at your door or on your phone. List the important phone numbers in the front or back page of your directory for easy access.
6. Be aware of phone swindlers who call in and report that one family member has been in an accident and is asking for the family member or household help to bring cash or other valuable to a certain place. Verify with another family member before
acting on this.
7. Verify the identity of callers at your gate before opening the door. Use peepholes provided on gates and doors for this purpose. Should the stranger be a repairman, electrician or the like, verify his identity by calling the service office.
8. Advise your children to refrain from playing/loitering on streets outside your residence where they are highly vulnerable to abduction. Advice your children never to leave home without telling you of their destination and expected time of arrival.
Keeping the Children Safe
1. Do a background check of anyone you intend to employ i.e. baby-sitter, gardener, domestic helper, driver or security guard. It is possible that the kidnappers would be utilizing such persons to infiltrate your residence to acquire vital information on household valuable, routines, layout and patterns.
2. Teach your children not to talk to strangers or accept anything from strangers, especially in school. Should they be approached, tell them to report the incident to school authorities.
3. Ask your children’s school not to give out any information regarding your children to anybody. Insist that strict guidelines be followed regarding persons authorized to pick-up your children. Other than those duly authorized by you, your children should not be allowed to leave with any other person without prior authorization from you. For security, children should be asked to talk to the parent authorizing their release. This will help ensure protection against kidnappers who call and claim to be the child’s parents.
Crime Prevention Starts With You And Your Family
More often than not, crimes occur because we open ourselves and our families to criminal opportunities. Talking to strangers, absence of security procedures for anonymous callers, taking for granted one’s safety outside the home, etc. make us easy prey to criminals. In the fight against crime, knowing that the worst can happen makes you less prone to be a victim and more confident of avoiding disasters. Protecting yourself, your family and your home is a matter of responsibility that cannot be taken on by anyone else. You can make the difference.
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